in message
I forgot my password for Outlook. How can I change it without not
the current password?? Or how can I reset it??
If passwords could be easily bypassed (because of a claim of
forgetfulness) then what would be the point of using passwords? If
passwords were ineffectual due to easy circumvention, there would be
no reason to use passwords. You never mentioned WHICH password is the
Could be you password-protected the .pst (message store) for Outlook,
so when Outlook tries to open its message store it then prompts you
for the password that you elected to use in encrypting the .pst file.
There are some 3rd party forensic software (not free) than can try to
remove the encryption (password) from the .pst file. Google might
find those utilities:
You will need to know WHICH version of Outlook that you are using and
whether it is an old ANSI .pst file or the newer Unicode .pst file
available as of Outlook 2003. No one here can tell you what you claim
to have forgotten.
Could be you are asking about the password for the login credentials
to the unnamed e-mail service provider for the account to which you
are having Outlook try to connect. If so, you'll have to take up that
problem with whomever is your e-mail provider to ask them to reset
your password. Often their webmail interface to your account will
have a "Forgot password?" link so you follow what process they
established for getting a new password (which you can change later, if
you want).