I-Frames and Layers



In my page, I am using some files that are not .htm formats, for example
(.xls and .doc formats). The content of my page goes into an I-Frame. I
also have a drop down layer that pulls down over the I-Frame. However, if
the content in the I-frame is not .HTM format, but is .xls or .doc frmats,
the dropdown layer hides behind the I-Frame when it is pulled down. I have
attempted to adjust the Z-Index of these, and still cannot figure out how to
get this to work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


This is not a z-index problem. It's a problem that you have no practical
way to make an absolutely positioned element (your menu) which is in one
page display in the space that is reserved for another page (the IFrame).
Your only solution would be to redesign the page, or the menu, so that there
is no conflict. Or you could dump the IFrame altogether....


This makes sense, but explain to me if I use a drop-down box form, how the
drop down menu can overlap the I-frame regardless of what is located inside
of it? I am not critisizing but simply looking for answers. I really
appreciate the help you're giving me.


Drop-down form elements are also Active content. They are continually
redrawn on the page. That's why they can overlap the IFrame. No normal
HTML page element can do that, however. If the IFrame were a simple layer
instead, you would see the drop-down form element poke through it, as well.

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