I get error with "ROWS" in the formula - nested formula question


Marie J-son


I have an array formula I want to be a fast dynamic sorting and selecting
function. Howeer I trie to nest it further with address, index etc. I get an
error on the first "ROWS" in "1:"&ROWS(INS_KVAL); ...


One working that make a txtreference to the array I want to show is:

However, I can't use it because of as soon as I trie to nest it further, I
get ROWS error.
Is there a limitation in Excel of some kind?

What I eventually want:

- Check data from one table - it's a one column named "INS_KVAL" - if the
word "PAY" is there
- If it is, it should look up in another column beside INS_KVAL and on the
same row find a value
-It is an array used formula and if there is just 3 "PAY" in the "INS_KVAL"
list, just 3 values should occure in the array formula list. Rest should be

I thougt I just should add an IF(INS_KVAL="PAY"; ...) and an ADDRESS(ROW(
.... ; kolumn;1;TRUE;Sheet1) , but ..

Can anybody help me? I belive I have translated all formulas to english
correctly for easy checking ...

/Kind regards

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