I've tried and tried but these custom forms one uses
in Outlook is really trying my patience.
I create a custom form to be used when adding (Posting)
to my contacts data. The form for the new contact comes up fine
but after adding a new contact and then opening the contact it uses
a form that I customized and saved it earlier today as MyContacts?!
I have since made changes but saved it as NyContawcts.
The only custom form I have for the contacts is called MyContacts,
at least it's the only one I see. So the MyContacts form is being
used when adding but another form other than the default contacts
for is being used to view the contact???
Am I missing something in all this? Does anyone else have these
misfortunes? Don't tell me to buy a book, I've already done that
and please don't place a link here.
in Outlook is really trying my patience.
I create a custom form to be used when adding (Posting)
to my contacts data. The form for the new contact comes up fine
but after adding a new contact and then opening the contact it uses
a form that I customized and saved it earlier today as MyContacts?!
I have since made changes but saved it as NyContawcts.
The only custom form I have for the contacts is called MyContacts,
at least it's the only one I see. So the MyContacts form is being
used when adding but another form other than the default contacts
for is being used to view the contact???
Am I missing something in all this? Does anyone else have these
misfortunes? Don't tell me to buy a book, I've already done that
and please don't place a link here.