I hate the preview pane and it keeps appearing



Without knowing why. Outlook in XP now has preview pane so new mail arrives
with a preview of text in blue and I never had it set up this way. I hate it.
Each reset is good until a new massage comes. How can I stop this? I have no
virus or spyware according to my scans I am clean.


Go to View, Reading Pane and turn it off. Make sure you are talking about
Outlook, not OL express.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Are you actually talking about the Preview Pane, or could you mean
AutoPreview? The latter is what it sounds like to me. There is an
AutoPreview button on the Advanced toolbar; there is also a view called
"Messages with AutoPreview". Make sure neither of these is active.

Also, when you say "Outlook on XP". that doesn't really tell us
anything...you could be using Outlook from Office XP (which is actually
Outlook 2002) or you could be using Outlook 2003 or any other Outlook version
on Windows XP.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Yes I meant Auto preview but I felt the hint about the text being blue would
have clarified it. Leave it to microsoft to use similar names to describe two
different things. But yes, I DID mean auto preview. I have changed it
repeatedly and the chnage does not stay as it reverts to the auto preview
As for identifying windows XP I know past phone support has always asked
that so I felt it fair to offer it up. As for version of Outlook it does not
indicate in the properties tab or advanced . The Microsoft office discs say
2002 so perhaps that is it. I think microsoft is at times difficult to use.
Do you work for them Jocelyn?
Thank you.


Mary, in view tab, I have no such option as reading pane. No I have Oulook
not the mini version. Thanks

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

If the discs say 2002 that's probably what it is, but you can find out for
sure by clicking the Help menu and then About Microsoft Outlook.

If you don't have any customized views that you would hate to lose, you
might want to try starting Outlook once with the /CleanViews switch. If you
need help using Outlook command line switches, look here:

I don't work for Microsoft -- MVPs are volunteers who are awarded based on
their contributions to the Microsoft community in a particular product area.
You can read more about the MVP program at http://mvp.support.microsoft.com.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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