I have a problem with "Freeze Panes"



I have a problem with "Freeze Panes." I have a shared Excel file,
where the top row is frozen. Every once in a while, the entire page
becomes frozen. Everyone that uses this Excel file has denied
unfreezing and refreezing the panes. Does anyone know how this could
be occurring, if people aren't unfreezing and refreezing the panes?

Dave Peterson

Do you use data|Filter|autofilter?

Say you filter the data and you see row 1 (Headers) and row 82 (rows 2-81 are
hidden by the filter).

If you apply window|freeze panes with the activecell A82 (looks like the first
visible cell under the headers), then everything looks perfekt.

But when you show all, the freeze panes is still between A81 and A82 and it
looks like you've locked up excel.

So my rule is to always check to make sure all the data is visible
(data|Filter|show all), then apply the freeze panes.

This is one of those things that crops up every so often when you share
workbooks with someone else. And it can be a pain to find out why.


Do you use data|Filter|autofilter?

Say you filter the data and you see row 1 (Headers) and row 82 (rows 2-81 are
hidden by the filter).

If you apply window|freeze panes with the activecell A82 (looks like the first
visible cell under the headers), then everything looks perfekt.

But when you show all, the freeze panes is still between A81 and A82 and it
looks like you've locked up excel.

So my rule is to always check to make sure all the data is visible
(data|Filter|show all), then apply the freeze panes.

This is one of those things that crops up every so often when you share
workbooks with someone else. And it can be a pain to find out why.

The Excel sheet with the problem has autofilter. I personally froze
the panes on the Excel sheet when I created it, and the Excel sheet
was fine for a month or two after I created it, during which the
filters changed many times depending on what the users wanted to see.

There is no logical reason for anyone to unfreeze the panes, as the
only row that should be constantly showing is the header row, as the
other rows aren't guaranteed to always be showing, due to the

Dave Peterson

Many times people do things without a real good reason. Or maybe you put the
freeze panes in the wrong spot originally???

I don't have any other guesses.

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