I have forgotten some basics



I haven't done this in a long time so I don't remember some basics. Using MS 2000 is there a way to enter work resource usage in the resource pool rate field as a weekly number. When I enter the 9/w it still calculates the amount in hours. Is there a way to get around this? I have a client that charges a weekly rate that does not break down into a workable hourly rate. ($6895)
Hope to hear from you

Mike Glen

Hi Donna,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Whatever rate you apply, Project will always calculate the costs by the
hour. It does this to calculate the value in the Total Cost field. Your
9/w means $9 per week which Project translates to 9/40 (hours per week)=
$0.19/Hr which it then applies to the man-hours per task. If you enter
6985/w Project will do the calculations for you.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Thank you Mike for your help, I was able to get the dollar amount to balance with what was invoiced
What I ended up doing was to enter the weekly amount, 6985, into the resource pool with a /w, and then expressed work as the number of hours to get the number to balance
What was strange was that I had to enter 50 hours (as opposed to 40) to come up with the correct dollar amount for 1/2 week work. I checked the calendar and they were scheduled for 40 hours monday thru friday so I don't understand. Did I look in the wrong place
thanks agai

Mike Glen

Hi Donna,

I don't really understand what you're trying to do :( I don't know what you
mean by getting the number to balance - what number? and balance with what?
You assign a resource to the task to undertake the necessary work to finish
the task - you can't fiddle that - it must have a number of manhours of work
to complete. You can't adjust the number of hours as the work might not be
completed in that time. As to your final comment, if you enter 50 manhours
of work, Project will work out the cost based on how you've set up the
parameters of working time and calendars. Can you be more specific on what
you're trying to achieve and how you are doing it?

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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