I Have installed Project Srever is not working and can't reinstall


Oscar Anakena

Last week we recive Microsoft Project Server and we install it in our W2003
Server. We try to configure it but doesn't works propertly. I was able to
acces only localy in the sarver and with the Administration user, having
alredy created other user accounts with the same privileges of the
administrator. We read somewhere that we have to install Share Point but when
we install it, but it was still working not propertly. In addition, we use
this server as Mircosoft Exchange Server and the web acces to this
application was not working since share point installation. So we decieded to
unistall Share Point. The Exchange Web Acces began to work ok another time.
So we decided to reinstall Project Server and try to configure it. The
application returns me an error and I now I can't do anything neither
unistall not install and not repair. The error sais teh following: Error
2753. Internal Error (PSCOMP.exe). Is there anybody who can help me?? Thanks

Rick Roszko

Please! Everyone reading this!!!

software you have never used before
or ever installed before on a "live"
"production" server!!!

Always use a test server! Don't have
a test server? Well, performance
isn't a issue here, so use an old PC
or something!

MS Project Server does not have an
uninstall. Once MS Project Server is
installed and you goof on the installation
there is no way to clean up the server!
And, you can never re-install it ever
again on that server!

This is exactly like a DirectX install.
Once it's installed, there is no way to
uninstall it!

Now, if you have an internals person
who is also an IIS guru and can regedit
anything and has all of the default
..dlls memorized and know which
ones to replace and re-register,
then yes, you might be able to get
it to work.

Failing that, it's
"format c:" or use your backup
tape to restore the server prior
to any ProjectServer or
SharePoint install.

Please use a non-live machine
to try this install again. Sorry I
didn't have any good news for you.

At least you can check to see if your
backup works. (Do this on a TEST
system if you never tried a restore!)


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The uninstall works providing that you don't muck things up trying to do it
manually before you run it. You're posting false information here. There are
some manual clean-up steps that must be run after running the uninstall from
Add/Remove programs.

Rick Roszko

The protocol for someone disagreeing to a post is to say:

(a) the process outlined is not correct, here is how you do it
(b) there is another way to do it, let me show you

You don't flame the person by saying "you're posting false information

This is a Microsoft website, it is not for you and yuor cohorts to run this
as if you own this. I also do not appreciate any of your answers that point
to your self-serving website. I don't understand why Microsoft allows for
such blatant advertising. Now back to your insensitive arguement:

An uninstall leaves artifacts that do not allow for a clean install. If you
are saying I am wrong, I need for you to do the following.

Please supply the exact procedure to completely uninstall for, lets say, a
dual-server install of on a MS Win2003 Server with all current patches, with
Decision Support Objects, running IIS6 with MS Project Server with SP1 or
SP2a and MS SharePoint Services with SP2. Database server is seperate.

Tell me how to uninstall the IIS/application server.

Rick Roszko
PM, MSPS, Network Consultant

Gary L. Chefetz said:

The uninstall works providing that you don't muck things up trying to do it
manually before you run it. You're posting false information here. There are
some manual clean-up steps that must be run after running the uninstall from
Add/Remove programs.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Rick --

Our Project Server Experts site is a totally free source for users to get
solutions to the most common problems with Project Server. We constantly
reference the FAQ's on this site because it is far easier to answer
questions that way, instead of retyping the same answers over and over
again. The only part of the site that contains any advertising is the Home
page which lists our upcoming classes and a link to our books. I hardly
consider that "blatant advertising."

Gary Chefetz and I have made many friends in this forum by answering user
questions for free, with no expectation of business from anyone. Gary's
postings go back to Project Central days. Mine go back only about three
years. I doubt you will get anywhere in this newsgroup by flaming Gary or
our company.

We ("you and your cohorts") do not run this newsgroup as if we own it. In
fact, we neither own it or run it. Everyone is welcome to ask and/or answer
questions. In spite of your comments, we're glad that you post answers to
people's questions. Thanks.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


1) Project Server does have an uninstall - that means that your previous
post, in which you make the statement "MS Project Server does not have an
uninstall," is false information. That's not a flame, it's a "factual"

2)You must remove the Project Server logons and database from SQL server
after running the uninstall

3) Ranting is not the most endearing approach to posting

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