I have two IF




I have a lot of questions lately it would seem...

Ok, so I have two 'ifs'.

Basically if __ is true AND __ is true, then cell B80 will be the value in B2.

Ok, so here's my example:
How much did you like the course: 4
Workload was manageable: 3
Did you communicate with the tutor? 1 (1 = yes)
RN: 1 (1=yes)
Diploma nurse: (blank)

I need that if they are an RN and if they communicated with a tutor there
score of 4 is summed/copied/etc.

Thanks a bundle!


I placed your survey on cells A24 to B28, B column has your answers.

The if if should be :

B27 answer of RN
B26 answer of Did you comm........
B24 answer of How much ........

I hope this is what you need.


You don't state what cells your data is in. I'll assume:
A1 is "Did you communicate with the tutor? 1 (1 = yes)"
A2 is "RN: 1 (1=yes)"
B2 is "How much did you like the course: 4"

Then you can use in B80: =IF(AND(A1=1,A2=1),B2,"")




A1 = How much did you like the course: 4
A2 = Workload was manageable: 3
A3 = Did you communicate with the tutor 1-5 times? 1 (1 = yes)
A4 = Did you communicate wit the tutor 6-10 times 0
A5 = Did you communicate the tutor >10 times 0
A5 = I did not communicate with the tutor 0
A6 = RN: 1 (1=yes)
A7 = Diploma nurse: 0

Thanks for all the great ideas! This will work, but I missed something when
giving my examples, sorry! So I need to know just if the student contacted
the tutor at all (so I just want an IF statement telling me if the student
contacted the tutor). So, if I use your formula:
B80: =IF(AND(A6=1,A3:A5=1),A4,0)
but I can't do A3:A5 is there another way to write that? Thanks!

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