I just don't get it



I have a very simple table that I would love to insert a number that will
multiply the current number then average the whole table. I am sure it is
simple, just a bit beyond me. The table has Col B with letters Col C are
the numbers that correspond Col D I would like to put in my own and Col E I
would like the answer of C and D multiplied. There are 44 rows total that I
would then like to average the total number put in Col D with the total sum
of Col E. If someone could do it for me It would be great I could email the
EXample of Info in columns B-RMA C-2.0480 D-? E-C times D
This would repeat 44 times. Then add D and E and average.


Assuming your table occupies cells B1 through E44
Then in cell E1 put the formula =C1*D1 and drag that down thru E44
I'm unclear as to exactly what you want done now. But this may help:
To average column D in D45 put the formula =AVERAGE(D1:D44)
To sum column D in D45 put the formula =SUM(D1:D44)
To sum column E in E45 put the formula =SUM(E1:E44)
To average the sums in F45 put =(D45+E45)/2

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

If I understand your question correctly, I think this array-entered**
formula will do what you want...


Adjust the ranges to match your data's locations.

** Array-entered means do NOT use the <Enter> key by itself, rather use
Ctrl+Shift+<Enter> to "enter" the formula into the formula bar.



I LOVE YOU TYRO. It worked beautiful except I may not have been clear on the
averaging part. Say my total for Col D is 83 and My total for Col E is
289.3367(these are examples of actual figures I am working with). Then I
want to divide Col E by Col D and come up with a figure like 2.0489. You
explained it all so easily for me. I am the forms queen where I am, but have
never tackled formulas. I really need to learn. Thank you.


If your sum for column D is in D45 and your sum for column E is in E45 then
in you simply put =E45/D45 in the cell where you want the answer (289.3367 /
83 = 3.4859843. Excel is like mathematics. Formulas all begin with an =
sign. + means add, - means subtract, * means multiply, / means divide, ^
means exponentiate, & means concatenate, etc.Look up Calculation operators
and precedence in the help file. You can put spaces in your formulas to make
them easier to read, e.g. =E45 / D45.

A good starter book on Excel 2007 is Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Step by
Step, Curtis D. Frye, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-7356-2304-X, $24.99 U.S..
Follow that up with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible, John Walkenbach, aka
Mr. Spreadsheet, Wiley Publishing, ISBN 0-470-04403-9, $39.99 U.S.
Walkenbach has written several other excellent books on Excel. His web site
is http://j-walk.com/ss/. Another excellent source is Chip Pearson's web
site http://www.cpearson.com/excel/mainpage.aspx
These books are also available for previous versions of Excel.

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