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Jamie Collins said:
Now that I think about it, I don't know what you mean by 'serial
number'. What I mean is a DATETIME value is persisted in storage
('under the covers') as a numeric in double precision floating point
representation ( I guess
what you mean by 'serial' is that the integer portion represents the
number of whole days that have elapsed since 1899-12-30 and the decimal
part ultimately represents the number of seconds that have elapsed
since midnight.
I am using terminology from Access 2000 help. In the Answer Wizard, "Enter
numbers, text, dates, and times in a spreadsheet". Click on "Tips for
entering numbers, text, dates, and times," then click "Dates and time".
Under the heading "Viewing the serial number behind a date or time" is this
sentence: "Regardless of the format that's used to display a date or time,
a spreadsheet stores all dates as serial numbers and stores all times as
decimal fractions."
I ran across that in the past by accident. I had quite a time trying to
find it again.
I didn't mean to suggest that you would. I was extrapolating e.g.
revealing that a date is stored as a number may tempt someone to
operate on it using mathematical functions rather than temporal
It makes assumptions about how the data is stored and will continue to
be stored in future releases/different products. I have worked with a
SQL DBMS that stored date/time values as text: I've no idea what <date>
+ 7 would do on that platform...and there's my point. Although not
standard SQL, using DATEADD() is still more implementation-independent
e.g. the storage of date/time could be switched from 'serial number' to
'ticks', 'beats' or whatever but DATEADD() would still be expected to
work because it deals with the temporal data rather than the raw value.
Since I have not worked much with Access data outside of the Microsoft
Office Suite, I have not had to confront issues related to different
platforms. Presumably a calculation wouldn't be stored, but for calculating
intervals from a given date I would use DateAdd if for no other reason than
that there is one function for days, months, and years rather than using one
way of handling days and another for longer intervals.
I don't know what that means. A table is a more of a 'logical' concept
than something 'physical' that has an appearance. I'm often puzzled
when I read here that "editing should not be done in the table itself"
(I don't mean to suggest that you would say such a thing, though).
It is possible to open a table and view the data. That was all I meant.
Because 'Me too!' posts as to be discouraged. I'd never get anything
done if I spent my time replying to everything I saw with which I am
broadly in agreement.
Do I understand that you would recommend changing the system-wide date
format to achieve the mm/dd/yy Short Date format?