I need a formula to mark up a product by 200%



Hello, i am stupid when it comes to this stuff and frustrate easily!! If
their is anyone that can help me i would greatly appreciate it. I have a
product and it cost me $4.50 to produce. I would like to mark it up 200%.
What would the function be?? Thanks

Jupiter Jaq

Hello, i am stupid when it comes to this stuff and frustrate easily!! If
their is anyone that can help me i would greatly appreciate it. I have a
product and it cost me $4.50 to produce. I would like to mark it up 200%.
What would the function be?? Thanks

100% "mark-up" would be $9.00. 200% mark-up would be $13.50.

Mark-up is an amount added to a cost to arrive at a price.

Percent increase is a bit different. An price that is increased by 25%
would be (4.50 x 0.25) + 4.50 = 5.625

Then you have to decide how you want to round your calculations,
because you can see where certain math creates yet another significant
figure. Round up... round down... but at what point?

100% markup is (original_value x 1) + original_value

So, to review. 100% is your original number multiplied by 1.00 and...

25% is your original number multiplied by 0.25.

One percent is 0.01 times the number (your number).

So the scale is 0.01 through 0.99 as representing 1 percent and 99
percent, respectively. 100% (the scale is really zero to 1) is "One
point O" or 1.00 times the number, so 200 is 2.0 times the number.

If your price is in A1


If what you really wanted was 100% markup, yielding a price double the
original, the formula would be:


It really is not required for me to parenthesize the second portion,
but I do so to show the process.

As an aside, you could place a number in B1 that represents a markup
percentage between 1 and 100 (any number really), and use this formula in
any other cell (C1)


That will give you any markup percentage calculation you want.

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