I'm sure it wouldn't stand up legally, but it would probably help, and be a
nice dramatic tool. Apparently the legal system can assess partial
culpability, and such a slip would prevent the parent from saying he/she
didn't know what was going on down the street.
However, this newsgroup is designed to advise on the technical aspects of
using Word, not the content of Word documents. You'd be better off
searching the web, though any examples you get free are unlikely to have any
more legal weight that just making it up yourself. It's possible that home
schooling sites might offer some examples. I believe there are also legal
forms available on the web.
I just don't think a "do it yourself" document like that would stand up in a
court. I'd be willing to be that your home owners insurance is either sky
high or you've never told them you have a trampoline.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Troy said:
I would at least know what they were doing and where. There is parental
supervision and rules they have to follow, but you never know when
could happen.
JoAnn Paules said:
If it was your child that was hurt, would you accept a do-it-yourself
release for damages? Honestly.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
I want a permission slip that can be signed by parents to allow their
child/children to play on my trampoline. I want this to state that i am
liable if their child/children get hurt while they are on the