I need a sample timetable or advice!




I have a complex timetable database to design and would be grateful if
anyone could help me out with a sample, or advice.
I have given some inforamtion and an example, which I hope will be of some
use. It is tricky, and I would be grateful for any comments.

The timetable is for fifty staff who need to cover 8 hours of time per day,
each hour has to be broken down into 15 minute slots.
In addition each time period, whether it be 1 slot (15 minutes) or 10 slots,
(2.5 hours) must be allocated to a named recipient of that time.

For example:

Staff Name: Jane
Day: Monday
Recipient: Oliver Twist
First time slot: 9:00
Second time slot: 9:15
Third time slot: 9:30

The recipient, Oliver Twist, after 9:30, may need a different staff member,
for example,

Staff Name: Mike
Day: Monday
Recipient: Oliver Twist
First time slot: 9:45
Second time slot: 10:00
Third time slot: 10:15

Although most of the staff members time will be allocated and remain
standard throughout the week, the situation given above will occur often,
requiring flexibility in the entry of staff records.

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