Thanks again for your help. I went back through the table, form, query, etc
and took another look at it. I thought that maybe I might be having some
interference with some other stuff I have been working on so, I then created
a new blank database. I imported the T_TwinParts and only that table. Then I
followed your instructions step by step again. When I put the combo box on
the form, I canceled the wizard and then inputted the info from your notes.
Before, I used the combo wizard... Anyway, when I finished the instructions
here is what I got.
When I enter an item in the nomenclature box and hit search, nothing happens;
When I put a part number in the PartNumber combo box and hit search, the form
filters to just that item like it should. When I put an entry in the Remarks
section, it works sometimes. But not all the time. Here is a copy of the
SQLfor the query :
SELECT T_TwinParts.ID, T_TwinParts.Nomenclature, T_TwinParts.PartNumber,
T_TwinParts.Qty, T_TwinParts.Location, T_TwinParts.Remarks, T_TwinParts.[Acft
Type], T_TwinParts.[Required O/H], T_TwinParts.[Serial Number]
FROM T_TwinParts
WHERE (((T_TwinParts.Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboNomencalure]) AND ((T_TwinParts.PartNumber)=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND ((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like
"*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks] & " *") AND (
(T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber])) OR (((T_TwinParts.PartNumber)=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND ((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like
"*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks] & " *") AND (
(T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure])
Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboNomencalure]) AND ((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like "*" & [Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks] & " *") AND ((T_TwinParts.[Serial
Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
Remarks) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks] & " *")
AND ((T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure])
Is Null) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null))
OR (((T_TwinParts.Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboNomencalure]) AND ((T_TwinParts.PartNumber)=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND ((T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])
=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
PartNumber)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND (
(T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure])
Is Null) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null)) OR
[cboNomencalure]) AND ((T_TwinParts.[Serial Number])=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.[Serial
Number])=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboNomencalure]) AND (
AND ((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[txtRemarks] & " *") AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.PartNumber)=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND ((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like
"*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks] & " *") AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboNomencalure]) AND (
(T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[txtRemarks] & " *") AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber])
Is Null) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null))
OR (((T_TwinParts.Remarks) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[txtRemarks] & " *") AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cbotNomencalure]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboPartNumber]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]!
[cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.Nomenclature)=[Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboNomencalure]) AND ((T_TwinParts.PartNumber)=
[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
PartNumber)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR (((T_TwinParts.
Nomenclature)=[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboNomencalure]) AND ((
[Forms]![frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null)) OR ((([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cbotNomencalure]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboPartNumber]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![txtRemarks]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]!
[frmPartsInventory_Search]![cboSerialNumber]) Is Null));
I also wanted to add this info: Ie
Nomenclature PartNumber Remarks
Packing MS28775-011 Packing for
Fuel bowl
Packing MS29513-04 Tach Generator
Packing NAS 1611-01
As an example, when the user puts in the word packing, I would like all
packings to be filtered. The user may not have the partnumber to input into
the search. Also, I would like the user to be able to do the text search in
the remarks without having the partnumber or nomenclature. In this case, if
I put in just the word packing in the remarks, I would like it to show all
results for "Packing". Then the user can determine the correct item based
off the remarks section. In this example, the fuel bowl packing and tach
generator packing would show up in the filter. The third packing would not
show up because there is no entry in the remarks section for the third
packing. The user would then determine which packing he needs. I need the
tach generator packing because I am replacing the tach generator. Does that
make sense and can it be done. Thanks again for your help and patience.
Ken said:
Does the table on which your query is based on include columns (fields) named
nomenclature, partnumber and serial number and remarks? If so the RowSource
properties for the combo boxes and the parameters for the
qryPartsInventory_Search query which I gave you should be OK. When you say
"what came up in the Row Source by default" I assume you are referring to the
drop down list you get if you click on the arrow at the right end of the
property in the combo box's properties sheet. Those are just a list of
tables and queries in the database. You can use a table or query as the
RowSource, but you can also use an SQL SELECT statement as I gave you; this
is itself a query in SQL form.
Its hard to pin down where you are going wrong at this distance, but if you
can copy and paste the SQL of your original query into a reply here that
might help the dog see the rabbit. To do this open your query in design view
and then from the View menu select SQL View. You can then copy the SQL to
the clipboard and paste it in your reply. I'm sure with a bit more head
scratching we can get you up and running.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
Ken, Thank you so much for your help. I followed your instructions step by
step and I cannot get it to work. I erased everything and redid it three
[quoted text clipped - 127 lines]
I would greatly appricate any and all help. Please be patient with me as I
am still learning Access. Thank you so much.