Every two weeks I need to fill out a biweekly timesheet, that basically has
either the dates from 1-15 or 16 -31. I also need the days written in. I
wished I had a biweekly timesheet in excel or word, that would figure the
dates and days, and then I would only have to fill in the time that I
worked. It is always mon-fri 9 to 12:00 then lunch 12:00 to 12:30 and then I
work from 12:30 to 5:30 again. Sat and Sundays I'm off.....If one of you
nice smart people here in this group can direct me to a site for download of
such a timesheet, or even buy it would be OK. I don't have the guts to ask
one of you to make something like that for me. I do not program or anything
like that....Grandpa Peter
either the dates from 1-15 or 16 -31. I also need the days written in. I
wished I had a biweekly timesheet in excel or word, that would figure the
dates and days, and then I would only have to fill in the time that I
worked. It is always mon-fri 9 to 12:00 then lunch 12:00 to 12:30 and then I
work from 12:30 to 5:30 again. Sat and Sundays I'm off.....If one of you
nice smart people here in this group can direct me to a site for download of
such a timesheet, or even buy it would be OK. I don't have the guts to ask
one of you to make something like that for me. I do not program or anything
like that....Grandpa Peter