I need a visual basic code....please



Can someone write me a visual basic code that will do the following on a
spreadsheet that already has data?

A column for "Tube Type" default is SST (this is in a validation list), how
can I change the entire spreadsheet to automatically default to from "SST" to
"Green" (the word, not the color) rather than SST. So rather than all the
columns taht default to SST, I want them to automatically default to Green.
I tried everything I can think of but someone said I probably need a visual
basic code to do, HELP!!

Rhonda Randolph
Medical University of South Carolina


If you have cells that contain SST and you want to change then read Green
then Edit - Replace will do that.

If you want SST to change to Green when SST is entered then try Auto-Correct.


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