Exuse the cutting and pasting but this worked. Found it in another post.
Adding the $ causes a copy without incrementing.
Dear Mr. Commish:
Because of the way the formulas are laid out (consecutive rows referring to
non-consecutive rows on another sheet) the traditional copy/paste will not
work. I added enough columns to have 20 players in my pool. I edited the
formulas in the last column for Player 5 to read:
=IF('NCAA Men''s Bracket 2005'!$D8=L4, 1, 0) NOTE the addition of the '$'.
I had to manually edit each cell in the column (all the way down to row 78).
I also had to edit the score for a win for succeeding rounds, as we weight a
later round win as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 points as the rounds increase.
Also note that the developer Merged some cells, that also makes the copying
more difficult. I undid the merging while I was manipulating the data.
I then copied and pasted my updated formulas out to fill my 20 players.