Fermin Sanchez


My name is Fermin. I'm writting to you to see if you could point me in the
right direction. My wife is Coordinator\Manager in her Crookston Minnesota
office. She is with the Battered Womens Program it is a non profit
organisation that at this time is suffering from cuts. They need to upgrade
from windows 95 to at least windows 98 in order to be able to get DSL. I'm
tyring to help I'm hoping that it mite be possible for Microsoft to donate
three systems for he Crookston Office.She has been able to help many mothers
and children that are unforgenate to fall into this kind of situations.
Please foward this e-mail to the right contact. You can contact me @
(e-mail address removed) long time member.

Thank you Very much,


Rick B


This is a peer to peer newsgroup. I doubt that the Microsoft employees
frequent it.

If I were you, I would contact them by phone, or look for some email
addreses on their website that will get a message to a live person.

Good luck!

Ken Snell [MVP]

Yes, they do. < g >

John Eddy is the administrator in Microsoft for these newsgroups, so he's
often reviewing posts. And other MS employees spend time here, especially
those in the MVP program and product groups.

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