I need help with arrays (Still)



I have a slight problem that Excel either can not do or I can not ente
the formula correctly. I am asking for your expertise. What I need i
to enter Value A into a cell and then enter Value B into a cell, hav
Excel do the division, and then generate a table with that number o
rows. For example, if I enter "20" into cell A2, enter "5" into cel
B2, I need Excel to generate a table in cell C4 that starts at 1 an
then in cell D4 is 2, then 3 ....

If further elaboration is needed, what I am looking for is this. If
have a distance of say 20 meters & I want to break it into 5 equa
sections. I will enter 20 in cell A2 and enter 5 in cell A3. I wan
Excel to realize (from my input of 5) that I want 5 columns. Say
enter the "code" in cell C5 I want Excel to place a "1" in cell C5,
in cell D5, place a "2", in D6, place a "3"... until it reaches th
nmber of sections that I asked for. I hope this is clear & I hope tha
someone can help.

If you can help, please explain in as basic of terms as possible.

Thank yo

Gary Keramidas

not sure if it can be done how you explain it. you need to have some sort of
consistency with where you will be entering your numbers and where you want
the results you mention a2 and a3 and then c4 in one paragraph and in the
other you mention c5.

maybe if you kept them all in the same row. maybe someone else can
interpret what you mean, .but i need further explanation.

Gary Keramidas

before i go any farther, see if this is a star t of what you are trying to
do. put your values in a2 and b2 and run the macro

Sub test()
div = Application.Evaluate("=a2/b2")
Debug.Print div
Cells(2, 3).Resize(1, div).Activate
i = 3
For v = 1 To div
Cells(2, i) = v
i = i + 1
v = v + 1
End Sub

Gary Keramidas

this is a little different approach
Sub test()
div = Application.Evaluate("=a2/b2")
Debug.Print div
With Cells(2, 3).Resize(1, div)
i = 3
For v = 1 To div
Cells(2, i) = v
i = i + 1
v = v + 1
End With
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

You received an answer yesterday when you said you wanted rows.

for column you would just alter the code

Sub abc()
If IsNumeric(Range("A2")) And IsNumeric(Range("B2")) And _
Not IsEmpty(Range("B2")) Then
If CLng(Range("B2")) <> 0 Then
For i = 1 To Range("A2") / Range("B2")
Range("C4").Offset(0,i-1).Value = i
End If
End If

End Sub

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