I need help with my website!!!


cori hersey

This is the first time I have ever tried to make a website. I am haveing problems with my links like from page to page within the website. None of them are connecting right they just keep taking you back to the home page. Ive tried to instert a photo for the background but for some reason it doesn't want to show up. and I want to change the color of the words and the font style and Ive done it off line but when i publish it to the web and transfer the images/files it won't change. what am i doing wrong? please help me. I am using Filezilla. my website is Derringerkayakcharters.com
I am using publisher 2007


It appears to be a 5 page web site. Is that correct ?

Does it work when you do a web preview from within publisher? If so then
republish the site to your hard drive. Using filezila, delete the entire
site from the server and reload the latest build.

If it does not work using the web preview from within publisher:
My first guess would be that the navigations bars are corrupted or were
linked incorrectly. If that is the case I would delete all the navigation
bars from all pages and reinstall new navigation bars linking them to the
correct pages.

I see that three images do not show up on home page. When you reloaded the
site did you also reload the files in the "index_files" folder?


in message news:[email protected]...


Your navbar is wonked and needs to be repaired or rebuilt from scratch. But
first of all, be sure you are not putting any thing including the navbar on
a Master page (view > master page). The Master Page feature does not work
correctly in a web publication and should only be used for print.

Assuming that the navbar is not on a master page, then click on the navbar
to select it in your Pub file. Go to Format > navigation bar properties. In
that dialog select the Home page > Modify Link. That will bring up a new
Modify Link dialog. In the left column, select Place in this Document. In
the right column select page one. Ok out. Then select your second page in
the Navigation Bar properties dialog, modify link, and make sure it points
to the correct page. Go through all the links and make sure they are
pointing to the correct page. Now do a web page preview and test your
repaired navbar. Fixing the navbar on the first page should fix the navbars
on each page, but if it doesn't then repair each navbar just as you did on
the first page. If this doesn't fix the navbar, you can rebuild it.

You have a picture in the background:
If you want to change it go to Format > Background > More backgrounds >
Picture tab and browse to the picture you want to use. Be careful about
trying to use a large picture, because when you put a picture in the
background it will tile. It is not designed to stretch a picture like it can
on a display desktop background.

After you have made the corrections, including the font and text color
changes, and all is testing ok in a web page preview, then Publish new web
files, but before you upload them, log on to your host with FileZilla and
delete the old index.htm file and the entire index_files folder. Upload your
new files, and hopefully you will be good to go.

And by the way, I hope that one of the text colors you are going to change
is that yellow font on the home page...tis almost impossible to read.




We did it again (composing at the same time). I saw this post this morning
as I was leaving for the gym. Had a great workout, lunch then to the
keyboard to see if I could help. I posted a response and then 8 minutes
later your post came in. Between the two posts there should be enough for
Cori to get a handle on it, or at least a hint of the problem. Looks like
we agree on a starting place.




Grin...yeah, I noticed yours just after I posted mine. And, like you I read
it this morning but didn't have time to answer it. Oh well, better two
perspectives than none. Maybe between the two the OP will figure it out.

until the next time...DavidF

John G.

It works a little better in IE than in Firefox so you should sometime get
Firefox and test it as many people use it.

But what ever you do please get rid of that unreadable Yellow and even the
light green.

The fish are great!

John G.

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