I need help!!



I still havent figured out Infopath yet so I'm asking for advice here. I
created a form to keep track of my credit hours and grades I recieved for my
classes in college. However, I haven't figured the following:

I firgued out how to get the grade score, but now I want it to post the
amount of credit earned.

In other words, I want "Credit Earned" to be equal to "Credit Attempted" if
the "Grade" is equal or Greater than a C-. Can someone help me with this? I
appreicate any help.



If you wanted, you could create a dropdown list for the grades. Then
when inputting the data for the dropdown you could have the viewable
data be like "A" and "B" and "C-" soforth, but for the VALUE you could
have a number, 100, 90, 80, 70.... so forth. Then for the formula for
the credit earned textbox you could have something like "if dropdown
value selected if > 50 then thisField gets a value of CREDITvalue" or
soemthing along those lines.

Hope this helped,


I don't still see how I would put it in the function box because the program
does not use the IF and THEN command. can any one help me?

Pam M

You have to add Rules to the drop-down list. In the drop down list property
box click Rules then Add.. and then first you have to set the condition say
when this field is equal to 100 and then in the Add Action...
and in the Action list you want set a Field's value and you can add a
formula in there.

I hope that makes sense...


Thank You Pam, this has helped a whole lot. I've been working on this for
several months with no luck, but thanks to you, I can get it finished.

Thanks again,


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