I'm currently creating a serials database for a library, and what we are
trying to do it tack the subscription renewals on a set of direct
periodicals. What I'm trying to do , it create a query that will search the
database for a set of periodicals based on thier code. Then I want a new
field to be added to the database, suming up the cost of all the periodicals
with the accompanying code. (to track spending).
I'm trying to combine the following two sequel statements to complete this
SELECT [Direct Serials].[Direct Number], [Direct Serials].Code, [Direct
Serials].Title, [Direct Serials].Publisher, [Direct Serials].Address, [Direct
Serials].[City/Province], [Direct Serials].[Postal Code], [Direct
Serials].Email, [Direct Serials].[Web Address], [Direct Serials].[Renewal
Date], [Direct Serials].Cost, [Direct Serials].[Method Paid], [Direct
Serials].[Subscription Type], [Direct Serials].[Sub - Start], [Direct
Serials].[Sub - End], [Direct Serials].Frequency
FROM [Direct Serials]
WHERE ((([Direct Serials].Code)=[Enter Code:])); (which works) and also
SELECT [Direct Serials].Cost, Sum([Direct Serials].Cost) AS SumOfCost
FROM [Direct Serials]
GROUP BY [Direct Serials].Cost;
Is there a way I can make these work together ?
In addition, how can I get the results of a query to display in a form as
opposed to in table view. ?
Any insight on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
trying to do it tack the subscription renewals on a set of direct
periodicals. What I'm trying to do , it create a query that will search the
database for a set of periodicals based on thier code. Then I want a new
field to be added to the database, suming up the cost of all the periodicals
with the accompanying code. (to track spending).
I'm trying to combine the following two sequel statements to complete this
SELECT [Direct Serials].[Direct Number], [Direct Serials].Code, [Direct
Serials].Title, [Direct Serials].Publisher, [Direct Serials].Address, [Direct
Serials].[City/Province], [Direct Serials].[Postal Code], [Direct
Serials].Email, [Direct Serials].[Web Address], [Direct Serials].[Renewal
Date], [Direct Serials].Cost, [Direct Serials].[Method Paid], [Direct
Serials].[Subscription Type], [Direct Serials].[Sub - Start], [Direct
Serials].[Sub - End], [Direct Serials].Frequency
FROM [Direct Serials]
WHERE ((([Direct Serials].Code)=[Enter Code:])); (which works) and also
SELECT [Direct Serials].Cost, Sum([Direct Serials].Cost) AS SumOfCost
FROM [Direct Serials]
GROUP BY [Direct Serials].Cost;
Is there a way I can make these work together ?
In addition, how can I get the results of a query to display in a form as
opposed to in table view. ?
Any insight on this problem would be greatly appreciated.