I need to display the text from one cell in another.



I'm creating a purchase order form. I need the delivery address to show one
of three potential delivery location. Two of these locations are already
input into the worksheet. I want them to be displayed in the delivery address
The delivery address displayed will be dependant on the result of the user
populating a cell from a drop down list.
An example would be where the purchase order has a Design Agency Address and
a Customer Address already entered. The user would choose, in a cell, from a
drop down that had "Agency, Customer, Other" Dependant on which of these they
select. I want the worksheet to look in the cell that corresponds with either
the agency or customer address and display it in the delivery address.


Usa an if statement. If E1 is your drop down list selection
=if(E1 = "Agency, Customer",A1,if(E1 = "Customer",B1,C1))

A1 is if Agency is chosen
B1 is if Customer is chosen
C1 is if Other is chosen


Thanks Joel,

This works perfectly

Joel said:
Usa an if statement. If E1 is your drop down list selection
=if(E1 = "Agency, Customer",A1,if(E1 = "Customer",B1,C1))

A1 is if Agency is chosen
B1 is if Customer is chosen
C1 is if Other is chosen

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