I need to handle CommandBarComboBox_Change Event in my code



I need to handle CommandBarComboBox_Change Event in my code

Dim applicationCommandBars As CommandBars
Dim currentCommandBar As CommandBar
Dim WithEvents cbEdit As CommandBarComboBox
cbEdit =
cbEdit.BeginGroup = True
' Clear the text and show a caption.
cbEdit.Text = ""
cbEdit.Caption = "Enter your name:"
cbEdit.Style = MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel
Private Sub cbEdit_Change(ByVal Ctrl As CommandBarComboBox) _
Handles cbEdit.Change
MessageBox.Show("oEdit_Change event fired -- Player's
name = " + Ctrl.Text)
End Sub

but it doesn't work in my COM Addin.
A Button_Click event works fine. Any ideas?

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