I work with aircraft and log flying hours to servicings. I use a custom
format of "[h]:mm" working in hours and minutes. I need to add and subtract
these figures in the main, but some exceed 10,000 hrs and are not recognised
by excel. How do I get round this.
Please can someone help. All data is entered into cells due to the amount of
different aircraft. At least 5 servicings per AC at fixed flying times. I
need to log the times to ensure I dont fly the AC when they are due SVG.ie
SVG due @ 12000hrs. AC flown 9876:45 plus another 50:00 hrs. Hrs remain to
service are?
format of "[h]:mm" working in hours and minutes. I need to add and subtract
these figures in the main, but some exceed 10,000 hrs and are not recognised
by excel. How do I get round this.
Please can someone help. All data is entered into cells due to the amount of
different aircraft. At least 5 servicings per AC at fixed flying times. I
need to log the times to ensure I dont fly the AC when they are due SVG.ie
SVG due @ 12000hrs. AC flown 9876:45 plus another 50:00 hrs. Hrs remain to
service are?