I need to recover my .pub files after re-installing xp...



Hi there. I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to recover my .pub
files from my hard drive? I had to re-install my operating system, and lost a
few REALLY important files.

Any leads on a fix / product that does this would be appreciated, and free
options would be really helpful.

John Inzer

Spunky1 said:
Hi there. I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way
to recover my .pub files from my hard drive? I had to
re-install my operating system, and lost a few REALLY
important files.

Any leads on a fix / product that does this would be
appreciated, and free options would be really helpful.
Try doing a Google search for:
file recovery
You'll find several programs that may
help you recover some of the files.


This is not tech support.
....I am only a volunteer...

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs


Hi there. I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to recover my .pub
files from my hard drive? I had to re-install my operating system, and lost a
few REALLY important files.

Any leads on a fix / product that does this would be appreciated, and free
options would be really helpful.

The other guy gave you the right answer. Try not to have the disk working too
much so the missing files don't get overwritten.

A larger question is how did reinstalling your Win XP manage to destroy your
files? Is Publisher itself up and running again? Generally, you have to
reinstall many applications after reinstalling the OS. But the data files
created with those applications should not be damaged. Unless you had them in
the Windows folder.


well - i am running office 2007 beta, so i downloaded the programs from the
net and didn't save them to a cd.

when i re-installed xp, i found that my office programs and all of their
files were gone. i just re-downloaded the programs and started fresh.

does this sound correct? i didn't think you were supposed to copy the
programs, so i didn't. but i do have my original license codes - if there's a
way i can get the original programs that way, i can try that.

let me know what you think - or if there is a program that you would
actually recommend. i would be interested to know which one.

i looked into recover my files, and free undelete, and the first one shows
there are in fact recoverable lost publisher files on my pc. the second one
seemed really confusing.

i'd rather not pay for it - but ultimately will.

thanks - i am a wreck over these files being gone.

John Inzer

spunky1 said:
i looked into recover my files, and free
undelete, and the first one shows there
are in fact recoverable lost publisher files
on my pc. the second one seemed really
If you have recoverable files...I suggest that
you make the recovery your first priority because
once the files are overwritten by activity on your
hard drive (installing apps, saving files, etc...)
they will be gone.


This is not tech support.
....I am only a volunteer...

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs


Spunky1 said:
Hi there. I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to recover my .pub
files from my hard drive? I had to re-install my operating system, and lost a
few REALLY important files.

Any leads on a fix / product that does this would be appreciated, and free
options would be really helpful.

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