I've been having problems with outlook since I purchased my dell vista
computer last year. Finally, the problems are so bad I can't even run
outlook. So I did research and the answer seemed to be to uninstall office
and then reinstall. Which I thought would be easy, but I think I uninstalled
a component of it before I uninstalled the entire package and now it won't
fully uninstall. So I then did more research and tried to work thru
uninstalling manually, but I couldn't get Office12 deleted from the computer
due to permission problems. So now I'm stuck, I have all the office icons,
but no office programs left, nothing works. I can't uninstall and I can't
reinstall, neither will work. Please help!!
computer last year. Finally, the problems are so bad I can't even run
outlook. So I did research and the answer seemed to be to uninstall office
and then reinstall. Which I thought would be easy, but I think I uninstalled
a component of it before I uninstalled the entire package and now it won't
fully uninstall. So I then did more research and tried to work thru
uninstalling manually, but I couldn't get Office12 deleted from the computer
due to permission problems. So now I'm stuck, I have all the office icons,
but no office programs left, nothing works. I can't uninstall and I can't
reinstall, neither will work. Please help!!