I need to validate my entries via a query then move on



Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query (see
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted 14/02)
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already booked
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that start
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can just
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the query and
get either a ok or not ok result


Two ways you can try
Refer to the Datefield in the form from the query

Select * From TableName Where [DateFieldName] =
Forms![FormName]![DateFieldNameInthe Form]

And then using the code you can check if the query return any values
If Dcount("*","[Query Name]") = 0 Then
' No records found
' record found
end if
2. Using the Dcount with filter

If Dcount("*","[Table Name]",[Date field name] = #" & Me.[date field name in
the form] & "#") Then
' No records found
' record found
end if

Graham Mandeno

Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then three
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub


Thank you to both ofer and graham i will try the solutions later (and
hopefully learn from them)
Regarding the room number bit - There's only one room but it's ok i think i
can cope with that issue and further more the multi room issue may be ideal
for other aspects reserving use of other parts of our communal buildings .
Thanks once again

Graham Mandeno said:
Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then three
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query (see
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i
input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already booked
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can just
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the query
get either a ok or not ok result


Graham i'm being thick (out of my depth really) I have a form called [Booking
Application] it has fields called [Start] and [End].

I select the date(s) from a pop up calender and upon exiting i am trying to
run the query. The information you supplied i'm sure does the task but how do
i implement it the existing bookings are held in a table named [tEvent] also
with field names of [Start] and [End]. I think i have created a module as you
instructed and named it [CheckClash].
For the timebeing there is no reference to any suite as only one is
available anyway

Help Please , My hairs falling out :)

Graham Mandeno said:
Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then three
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query (see
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i
input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already booked
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can just
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the query
get either a ok or not ok result


Ufer will either of your solutions allow for dates between start date and end
date - for more info see the post above thanks by the way

Ofer said:
Two ways you can try
Refer to the Datefield in the form from the query

Select * From TableName Where [DateFieldName] =
Forms![FormName]![DateFieldNameInthe Form]

And then using the code you can check if the query return any values
If Dcount("*","[Query Name]") = 0 Then
' No records found
' record found
end if
2. Using the Dcount with filter

If Dcount("*","[Table Name]",[Date field name] = #" & Me.[date field name in
the form] & "#") Then
' No records found
' record found
end if

\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

Wobbles said:
Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query (see
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted 14/02)
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already booked
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that start
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can just
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the query and
get either a ok or not ok result


Yes, The SQL

Select * From TableName Where [DateFieldName] Between
Forms![FormName]![FromDateFieldNameInthe Form] And
Forms![FormName]![ToDateFieldNameInthe Form]

If Dcount("*","[Table Name]","[Date field name] >= #" & Me.[From date field
name in the form] & "# And [Date field name] <= #" & Me.[To date field name
in the form] & "#) Then
' No records found
' record found
end if

\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

Wobbles said:
Ufer will either of your solutions allow for dates between start date and end
date - for more info see the post above thanks by the way

Ofer said:
Two ways you can try
Refer to the Datefield in the form from the query

Select * From TableName Where [DateFieldName] =
Forms![FormName]![DateFieldNameInthe Form]

And then using the code you can check if the query return any values
If Dcount("*","[Query Name]") = 0 Then
' No records found
' record found
end if
2. Using the Dcount with filter

If Dcount("*","[Table Name]",[Date field name] = #" & Me.[date field name in
the form] & "#") Then
' No records found
' record found
end if

\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

Wobbles said:
Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query (see
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted 14/02)
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already booked
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that start
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can just
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the query and
get either a ok or not ok result

Graham Mandeno

Hi Wobbles

First, assuming you have named the function "CheckClash", you may not give
the module the same name.

You could name the module "mdlCheckClash", or, because you will undoubtedly
want to add other functions to your application later, you could name it
something like "mdlGeneralCode".

Now, if you haven't done so already, replace the table and field names in my
sample code with your own names. However, first I strongly advise you to
change the names of your fields. "End" is a reserved word in VBA and you
will likely run into problems down the track if you keep that as a field
name. I suggest changing "Start" and "End" to "StartDate" and "EndDate".

You say you don't have room numbers yet, so your OpenRecordset should read:

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from tEvent where " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _

This allows for a StartDate to be the same as a previous EndDate, which
would allow a check-out in the morning and a check-in later the same day, as
is the usual practice with hotel rooms. If you can't allow that, then
change the < and > to <= and >=.

You can also drop "lSuite from the function declaration, so it reads:

Function CheckClash( dtStart as Date, dtEnd as Date ) As Boolean

Now, the idea if the function is that you pass it two dates and it displays
a message and returns True if there is a clash.

Because you can enter only one date at a time, you want it to check after
the first date is entered that it does not fall in the middle of an existing
booking. For example, when the StartDate is entered or changed, you want to
check for a clash with StartDate and EndDate, but if EndDate has not yet
been entered you want to treat Enddate as being the same as StartDate.

The Nz function is handy for this. If the first argument is Null (blank) it
returns the second argument:

Nz(EndDate, StartDate)

So after StartDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )

and after EndDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )

Now, I assumed that you were typing these dates into textboxes, hence my
suggestion that you use the BeforeUpdate event. However, you say you are
using a popup calendar. You must have some code to take the selected date
from the calendar and write it into your textbox or field. It is that code
that needs to call the CheckClash function.

If you need further help, post the code that is doing this part.
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Graham i'm being thick (out of my depth really) I have a form called
Application] it has fields called [Start] and [End].

I select the date(s) from a pop up calender and upon exiting i am trying
run the query. The information you supplied i'm sure does the task but how
i implement it the existing bookings are held in a table named [tEvent]
with field names of [Start] and [End]. I think i have created a module as
instructed and named it [CheckClash].
For the timebeing there is no reference to any suite as only one is
available anyway

Help Please , My hairs falling out :)

Graham Mandeno said:
Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i
input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the
get either a ok or not ok result


Hi , I have been away so i'm just warming my seat up again, I will work
further on this over the next few days (watch this space) I am still taking
it all in and i will reply either as having suceeded or more grovelling ,

Graham Mandeno said:
Hi Wobbles

First, assuming you have named the function "CheckClash", you may not give
the module the same name.

You could name the module "mdlCheckClash", or, because you will undoubtedly
want to add other functions to your application later, you could name it
something like "mdlGeneralCode".

Now, if you haven't done so already, replace the table and field names in my
sample code with your own names. However, first I strongly advise you to
change the names of your fields. "End" is a reserved word in VBA and you
will likely run into problems down the track if you keep that as a field
name. I suggest changing "Start" and "End" to "StartDate" and "EndDate".

You say you don't have room numbers yet, so your OpenRecordset should read:

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from tEvent where " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _

This allows for a StartDate to be the same as a previous EndDate, which
would allow a check-out in the morning and a check-in later the same day, as
is the usual practice with hotel rooms. If you can't allow that, then
change the < and > to <= and >=.

You can also drop "lSuite from the function declaration, so it reads:

Function CheckClash( dtStart as Date, dtEnd as Date ) As Boolean

Now, the idea if the function is that you pass it two dates and it displays
a message and returns True if there is a clash.

Because you can enter only one date at a time, you want it to check after
the first date is entered that it does not fall in the middle of an existing
booking. For example, when the StartDate is entered or changed, you want to
check for a clash with StartDate and EndDate, but if EndDate has not yet
been entered you want to treat Enddate as being the same as StartDate.

The Nz function is handy for this. If the first argument is Null (blank) it
returns the second argument:

Nz(EndDate, StartDate)

So after StartDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )

and after EndDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )

Now, I assumed that you were typing these dates into textboxes, hence my
suggestion that you use the BeforeUpdate event. However, you say you are
using a popup calendar. You must have some code to take the selected date
from the calendar and write it into your textbox or field. It is that code
that needs to call the CheckClash function.

If you need further help, post the code that is doing this part.
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Graham i'm being thick (out of my depth really) I have a form called
Application] it has fields called [Start] and [End].

I select the date(s) from a pop up calender and upon exiting i am trying
run the query. The information you supplied i'm sure does the task but how
i implement it the existing bookings are held in a table named [tEvent]
with field names of [Start] and [End]. I think i have created a module as
instructed and named it [CheckClash].
For the timebeing there is no reference to any suite as only one is
available anyway

Help Please , My hairs falling out :)

Graham Mandeno said:
Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i
input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the
get either a ok or not ok result

hendra efrata sembiring

Wobbles said:
Hi , I have been away so i'm just warming my seat up again, I will work
further on this over the next few days (watch this space) I am still taking
it all in and i will reply either as having suceeded or more grovelling ,

Graham Mandeno said:
Hi Wobbles

First, assuming you have named the function "CheckClash", you may not give
the module the same name.

You could name the module "mdlCheckClash", or, because you will undoubtedly
want to add other functions to your application later, you could name it
something like "mdlGeneralCode".

Now, if you haven't done so already, replace the table and field names in my
sample code with your own names. However, first I strongly advise you to
change the names of your fields. "End" is a reserved word in VBA and you
will likely run into problems down the track if you keep that as a field
name. I suggest changing "Start" and "End" to "StartDate" and "EndDate".

You say you don't have room numbers yet, so your OpenRecordset should read:

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from tEvent where " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _

This allows for a StartDate to be the same as a previous EndDate, which
would allow a check-out in the morning and a check-in later the same day, as
is the usual practice with hotel rooms. If you can't allow that, then
change the < and > to <= and >=.

You can also drop "lSuite from the function declaration, so it reads:

Function CheckClash( dtStart as Date, dtEnd as Date ) As Boolean

Now, the idea if the function is that you pass it two dates and it displays
a message and returns True if there is a clash.

Because you can enter only one date at a time, you want it to check after
the first date is entered that it does not fall in the middle of an existing
booking. For example, when the StartDate is entered or changed, you want to
check for a clash with StartDate and EndDate, but if EndDate has not yet
been entered you want to treat Enddate as being the same as StartDate.

The Nz function is handy for this. If the first argument is Null (blank) it
returns the second argument:

Nz(EndDate, StartDate)

So after StartDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )

and after EndDate has been entered you should use:
CheckClash( Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )

Now, I assumed that you were typing these dates into textboxes, hence my
suggestion that you use the BeforeUpdate event. However, you say you are
using a popup calendar. You must have some code to take the selected date
from the calendar and write it into your textbox or field. It is that code
that needs to call the CheckClash function.

If you need further help, post the code that is doing this part.
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Wobbles said:
Graham i'm being thick (out of my depth really) I have a form called
Application] it has fields called [Start] and [End].

I select the date(s) from a pop up calender and upon exiting i am trying
run the query. The information you supplied i'm sure does the task but how
i implement it the existing bookings are held in a table named [tEvent]
with field names of [Start] and [End]. I think i have created a module as
instructed and named it [CheckClash].
For the timebeing there is no reference to any suite as only one is
available anyway

Help Please , My hairs falling out :)


Assuming that part of your booking record includes a room number, then
criteria must all be met in order for there to be a clash:

- the requested room/suite must match the booked room/suite
- the requested check-in date must be before the booked check-out date
- the requested check-out date must be after the booked check-in date

In terms of some VBA code, this can be written as:

If DCount("*", "Bookings", [SuiteNumber] & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format([StartDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format([EndDate], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]") > 0
MsgBox "Sorry - this clashes with an existing booking"
End If

You could write this into a function which actually retrieves the clash
record and gives a more helpful message:

[WARNING: air code - there may be some syntax errors or typos :)]

Function CheckClash( lSuite as long, dtStart as date, dtEnd as Date ) _
As boolean
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( "Select * from Bookings where " _
& lSuite & "=[SuiteNumber] and " _
& Format(dtStart, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & "<[EndDate] and " _
& Format(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & ">[StartDate]", _
With rs
if .RecordCount > 0 then
MsgBox "Sorry, this clashes with an existing booking from " _
& !StartDate & " to " !EndDate
CheckClash = True
End If
End With
Set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
End Sub

You can then use the BeforeUpdate event of your date textboxes:

Private Sub StartDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, StartDate, Nz(EndDate, StartDate) )
End Sub


Private Sub EndDate_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Cancel = CheckClash( SuiteNumber, Nz(StartDate, EndDate), EndDate )
End Sub

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Allen Browne saved my brain yesterday with his date validation query
"Booking out a Guest suite , avoiding double booking in Access" posted
his query works without question. I now have a related question. If i
input a
start date i need to check the start date is not part of an already
period. then assuming it isnt i then need to check the dates from that
date till the date i enter next being the end date. If i must i can
input both and check at the end but how do i send the dates to the
get either a ok or not ok result

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