I only want one



I have 3 tables that I want to create a report out of.all linked by a Donr
ID in the Donors table. The Tables are as follows:
Donors - single donor possuible per report page
Silent Auction Items - They could buy everhting so a sub report with as many
entires as needed
Donations - Only one line from this report.

I set this up as a report, and If I have 3 items from the Silent Auction
report, then I get 3 duplcated sub reports, and Donations table entries. How
can consolidate this so that I get one sub report, and only one Donations
line on a single report. Then get a total from the sub report, and add it to
the a total from the master report. I would also like to filter this entire
report so that I can print one at a time for a Donor.

The idea is that I am doing this for a silent auction on saturday.



Duane Hookom

The auction items have no relationship to the donations so you can't put them
all together in a single query. Pick either the auction items or the
donations to be removed from the report's record source and put it in a
subreport. Place the subreport in the Donor ID header or footer.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

You need to tell us more details -- structure of the tables (fields, what
data are stored in them, how the tables are related to each other), what the
record source queries are for the main report and for the subreports, and
what you tried (SQL statements or other info) that is giving you the wrong
results right now.

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