Joseph Burton
The form ask me if I want to save the file, but when I opened up the page the
change didn't happen. What am I forgetting.
I'm just trying to change the foreground from code but its not working.
'Instance of Visio
Dim appVisio As Visio.Application
'Documents collection of instance
Dim docsObj As Visio.Documents
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
Dim cellObj As Visio.Cell
Dim sectionObj, rowFill, fillForeGround As Short
sectionObj = CInt(Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject)
rowFill = CInt(Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowFill)
fillForeGround = CInt(Visio.VisCellIndices.visFillForegnd)
appVisio = CType(CreateObject("Visio.invisibleapp"),
docsObj = appVisio.Documents
docsObj.Open("C:\Documents and
pagObj = pagsObj.Item(1)
'point to shape
shpObj = pagObj.Shapes.Item("JoJoPointer")
cellObj = shpObj.CellsSRC(sectionObj, rowFill, fillForeGround)
cellObj.Formula = CStr(5)
change didn't happen. What am I forgetting.
I'm just trying to change the foreground from code but its not working.
'Instance of Visio
Dim appVisio As Visio.Application
'Documents collection of instance
Dim docsObj As Visio.Documents
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
Dim cellObj As Visio.Cell
Dim sectionObj, rowFill, fillForeGround As Short
sectionObj = CInt(Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject)
rowFill = CInt(Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowFill)
fillForeGround = CInt(Visio.VisCellIndices.visFillForegnd)
appVisio = CType(CreateObject("Visio.invisibleapp"),
docsObj = appVisio.Documents
docsObj.Open("C:\Documents and
pagObj = pagsObj.Item(1)
'point to shape
shpObj = pagObj.Shapes.Item("JoJoPointer")
cellObj = shpObj.CellsSRC(sectionObj, rowFill, fillForeGround)
cellObj.Formula = CStr(5)