I think an easy Conditional Formatting ?



I'm trying to write a Conditional Formatting formula for cell C11, if the
number in Cell A10 is greater than 1.

I've been trying this without getting the results that I want:

This formula will fill cell C11, however when value in A10 is removed, C11
still remains with that fill, when I want it to be unformatted.

Any ideas?


Fred Smith

What do you mean by "removed"?

If you delete the contents, then c11 should change to unformatted.

However, if you "remove" the cell by entering a space, then the conditional
format will apply because a space is greater than 1.

Clear the contents of the cell, or use "" as the value, then the conditional
format will not be triggered.



Hi Scott,

I think that you are trying just to give a value when there is an actual
number in cell A10 Right?

If so, this is what you should do:

=IF(A10="","",IF(A10>=1,"True", "False"))

So what is actually doing is that the formula will only calculate the
condition if there is a number present. Another thing you might do too is to
play around with the "conditional formatting box" in word.

Hope that helps,

Vicente Tulliano

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