I think my floorplan blew up


John Simons

Visio 2003 SP2 with all the latest patches.

I have an extensive floor plan created in a file. I renamed the page by
double-clicking on the tab and replacing the name with 'Current'. I then
added a page and called it 'Proposed'. The program hour-glassed for a bit
which I thought was curious and then hung. I could close the program and
since I did some editing on the file, I saved it when prompted. The next
time I opened the file, the design was not visible and the scale was
literally off the charts (it says X = - 46 ft., Y = 89478492 ft. 6, and if I
go into Page Setup and try to fit the drawing to the scale, it says that the
scale is 2.08e28 x 2.08e28) The file size is 1.2 MB so I know there is a
bunch of stuff there, but I can't seem to get it to show up. HELP!

I, of course do not have a backup of the file as it was just created today.
Any suggestions as to how I can get this drawing back?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

John Simons

Chris Roth [MVP]

Dang John!!!

Here's a little tidbit or two that might help you find the mystery shapes:

1. View > Layer Properties...
Make sure all of your layers are visible. This will help you in the hunt
for mystery shapes.
2. View > Drawing Explorer Window
You can browse this tree control to the current page, and see a list of
all the shapes on the page. As you select a shape-node in this tree, it will
be pan/zoomed in the drawing window, so you can inspect it and see if it is
garbage or not.

First steps, anyway...

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Free Visio shapes:
Visio programming info:
Other Visio resources:

John Simons

I tried to mess with the layers and could not get anything to appear.
Any way I can send you the file (~1.2 MB) offline and see if you can do
anything with it?


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