I have free text fields in a spreadsheet I developed so co-workers can
provide status updates on their work. Occasionally, when someone types in a
status update, the cell only displays pound signs (################). If I
select that cell, the text appears in the formula bar, but the active cell
just shows pound signs. It doesn't seem to be related to the amount of text
that was typed, because other text entries are longer but they display just
fine in the cell. How do I fix this? Thank you.
provide status updates on their work. Occasionally, when someone types in a
status update, the cell only displays pound signs (################). If I
select that cell, the text appears in the formula bar, but the active cell
just shows pound signs. It doesn't seem to be related to the amount of text
that was typed, because other text entries are longer but they display just
fine in the cell. How do I fix this? Thank you.