I want creat a task in a special form at a special exchangefolder


Cyrill Häfeli

I want creat a task in a special form at a special exchangefolder

with witch code, can i say, the definition of the Forms in this Folder?

i have the code:

' Deklaration
' ***********
Dim m_outlApp As Object
Dim m_outlNam As Object
Dim m_objfolder As Object
Dim m_items As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim item As Object

' Gibt den Mapi Ordner und alle Einstellungen an
' **********************************************
Set m_outlApp = New Outlook.Application
Set m_outlNam = m_outlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set m_objfolder = m_outlNam.Folders("Öffentliche Ordner").Folders("Alle Öffentlichen Ordner") _
Set m_items = m_objfolder.Items.Add()

' Speichert eingegeben Daten in die entsprechenden Aufgaben Felder
' ****************************************************************
With m_items
.StartDate = txtFällig
.Categories = Me.cmbKategorie.Text
.UserProperties("txtAbteilung") = Me.cmbAbteilung.Text
End With

Cyrill Häfeli

Okey i have it found self

its is

m_items.MessageClass = "IPM.Task.GD"
I want creat a task in a special form at a special exchangefolder

with witch code, can i say, the definition of the Forms in this Folder?

i have the code:

' Deklaration
' ***********
Dim m_outlApp As Object
Dim m_outlNam As Object
Dim m_objfolder As Object
Dim m_items As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim item As Object

' Gibt den Mapi Ordner und alle Einstellungen an
' **********************************************
Set m_outlApp = New Outlook.Application
Set m_outlNam = m_outlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set m_objfolder = m_outlNam.Folders("Öffentliche Ordner").Folders("Alle Öffentlichen Ordner") _
Set m_items = m_objfolder.Items.Add()

' Speichert eingegeben Daten in die entsprechenden Aufgaben Felder
' ****************************************************************
With m_items
.StartDate = txtFällig
.Categories = Me.cmbKategorie.Text
.UserProperties("txtAbteilung") = Me.cmbAbteilung.Text
End With

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