Dan Williams
I like the message that says
Wbook.xls is locked for editing
by 'Username'
Click 'Notify' to open a read-only copy of the document and
receive notification when the document is no longer in use.
But if I open a workbook via
Workbooks.Open Filename:="Wbook.xls"
...it just opens Read-only, which is not what I want.
Can I get VBA to do this, so the user would be notified? I could
duplicate the text in VBA, but it wouldn't notify anybody.
Dan Williams
Wbook.xls is locked for editing
by 'Username'
Click 'Notify' to open a read-only copy of the document and
receive notification when the document is no longer in use.
But if I open a workbook via
Workbooks.Open Filename:="Wbook.xls"
...it just opens Read-only, which is not what I want.
Can I get VBA to do this, so the user would be notified? I could
duplicate the text in VBA, but it wouldn't notify anybody.
Dan Williams