I want my report to print from a form that I filter using an opti.



I want my report to print from a form, after I have filtered that form using
an option button. For Instance, my option button has filtered my form to
show only records that shows "Resigned" employees from my employee table. I
then have a preview report command button, and I want my report to show only
the Resigned employees as shown filtered in the form. Likewise, when I use
the option button to show "terminated" employees, my report should also show
only these. My report is run on a query. Please tell me what I can use to
show my filtered records on my report. thank you!

Richard via AccessMonster.com


If you want to print the record in the filterd form then put something like
this behind your print button.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If

If Me.NewRecord Then 'Check there is a record to print
MsgBox "Select a record to print"
strWhere = "[ID] = " & Me.[ID]
DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport", acViewPreview, , strWhere
End If
End Sub



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