I want to be able to use OneNote on my work computer and home com.



My understanding is that when you buy and register OneNote 2003 you are able
to install the software on one desktop and one notebook computer so you can
use it at work and then bring it with you. I don't have a notebook computer
but I still would like to be able to use the software at work and then access
the data and use it at home. Do I have to buy 2 licenses? How can I transport
the data and synchronize it when I get back to work? Can I pay a monthly fee
and have the data stored on-line so I can access it from any computer? Can it
be incorporated into MSN Premium service as an extra so I can log-in and use
it on any computer? I think the software is excellent and I want to be able
to easily access My Notebook at work and at home at the very least.

Kurt S

One of the best ways I have found for online data storage from any comuter is
to create a G-Mail account. Then install this awesome little program called
"G Mail Drive Shell Extention". It create a drive letter in Windows Explorer
to your G Mail account and allow you to store files in your G Mail account.
Then you just install this program on the computers you use OneNote on and
put the .one file up on G Mail.

You can get the G Mail drive extention program here -

If you need a G-Mail account, post back and let me know. I have several

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

I'v used a free MSN group for the same thing for about 2 years. Onenote can
save directly to an http:// location, so just do a save As and put in the
http:// location

Chris Pratley (MS)

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