I want to combine property records; 1 has parcel IDs, 1 has MLS#s


Coastal Studies

I spend a lot of time working with property data from different counties.
1. There are usually multiple sales of the same property (same parcel ID)
that I want to combine.
2. The MLS has additional info for the same address but does not contain the
parcel ID. I want to combine the info from the MLS to the info from the
property appraiser's office. Both sets of data have the following similarity:
a. the same site address
b. similar sale date (sometimes listed 3-7 days different)
c. similar sale amount (sometimes a few dollars to a few thousand off)

I update this info monthly and use it to make charts and comparisons. How
can I make it easier on myself by using Access?

John Vinson

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 08:55:39 -0800, Coastal Studies <Coastal
I spend a lot of time working with property data from different counties.
1. There are usually multiple sales of the same property (same parcel ID)
that I want to combine.
2. The MLS has additional info for the same address but does not contain the
parcel ID. I want to combine the info from the MLS to the info from the
property appraiser's office. Both sets of data have the following similarity:
a. the same site address
b. similar sale date (sometimes listed 3-7 days different)
c. similar sale amount (sometimes a few dollars to a few thousand off)

I update this info monthly and use it to make charts and comparisons. How
can I make it easier on myself by using Access?

Please don't multipost. Most of the volunteers here read several
newsgroups; it's not considered polite to post the same message all
over the different newsgroups. I'm replying to your message in
microsoft.public.access; please keep the discussion there.

If you do want to post to more than one newsgroup (again, it's rarely
necessary), please crosspost instead of multiposting. There's an
option in the web interface (I forget just where) to post the same
message simultaneously to two or three (you shouldn't do more) groups;
the advantage is that replies will show up in all of them, preventing
wasted effort.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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