I want to define title rows -1004 ...


Kerstin Schiebel


I need to define title rows via VBA (Excel 2002).
Dim objWS As Worksheet
Set objWS = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Stueckliste")

' ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Stueckliste").Select


With objWS.PageSetup
' .PrintTitleRows = objWS.Rows("1:11").Address <--- 1004
.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$11"
<--- 1004
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
On some PCs I get the error "1004 - Die PrintTitleRows-Eigenschaft des
PageSetup-Objektes kann nicht festgelegt werden".
(I do not know what is the exactly description in English).
On my own PC (and other ones) this is no problem!
I do not know what is the problem.
Has anyone an idea what goes wrong?

Thank you
Regards Kerstin

Jacob Skaria

Please check whether printer is installed in other PCs

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Kerstin Schiebel

YES :))))
(the actual default printer had a problem with the connection)

Thank you very much!

Jacob Skaria said:
Please check whether printer is installed in other PCs

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