I want to line up wrap around text within cell by tabbing over?


stuck in PA

Within a cell, text wrap around I want to line up similar to hanging indent
as feature in Word, example:

7293 (era raeir aseir aif ;aeraerse rfasa ref;eif aififsdfi; fiwefaeif
adfa diof adif; adifdfaeidfn adfoi

I want that second line to line up with the "(", does Excel have that


You could use the Wroksheet menu REPLACE. You can copy the return character
from a cell that already have one. Then highlight a group of cells like a
column. Next open replace. In the From box put just the open parenthesis.
Then in the To box paste in the Reutrn character that you copies follow by
the open parenthesis. finally press Replace ALL.

dan dungan

not that I know of in Excel 2000 at least.

You can emulate that by choosing Alt+enter and then space over the
your desired location.


In Excel 2003 the worksheet replace function will replace and insert special
characters but you have to paste those characters into the from or to boxes.

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