Hi KobusR,
You don't need formfields for the calclations - just formula fields. Suppose the formfield into which you insert the number is named
'Text1' and its properties are set to 'calculate on exit'. In that case you can use a formula field coded as:
{=Text1*0.1 \# $,0.00}
to calculate 10% of the formfield's value, and
{=Text1*1.1 \# $,0.00}
to calculate 110% of the formfield's value - which is the same as summing the formfield's value and the 1st calculation's result.
Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above example are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message.
I advise you not to try to use a formfield to do the calculations the way you've described. When you use the result of a given
formfield's calculation in another formfield, the results in the dependent formfield are unreliable.