I want to Open Two Instances of Outlook


Amit Kapur


I have two different email IDs, both configured as different ptofiles in
Outlook. I am running 2003 in XP> Is it possible to have two exchange servers
added to eliminate a profile or have two instances of Outlook open at the
same time so that I do not have to exit and re-open Outlook every time I want
to switch accounts?

I read in on of the posts that fast user switching may solve th eproblem,
but I do not have it enabled and the network adminstrator has disabled this
service. What to do?



Amit said:

I have two different email IDs, both configured as different ptofiles in
Outlook. I am running 2003 in XP> Is it possible to have two exchange
servers added to eliminate a profile or have two instances of Outlook open
at the same time so that I do not have to exit and re-open Outlook every
time I want to switch accounts?

I read in on of the posts that fast user switching may solve th eproblem,
but I do not have it enabled and the network adminstrator has disabled
this service. What to do?


Why not just combine the two in one profile? make a rule to separate out
mails sent and received from each address into separate inbox and sent
items folders.

Oliver Vukovics

Dear Amit,

it is not possible to open 2 instances/different profiles with Outlook.

Your solution to use 2 profiles is the best and fastest way.

Amit Kapur


Thanks a lot for your replies. I think I will have to go with the option of
maintaining two profiles because outlook is not allowing me to add two
different exchange servers.



Amit said:

Thanks a lot for your replies. I think I will have to go with the option
of maintaining two profiles because outlook is not allowing me to add two
different exchange servers.

You could always get the one exchange server to forward email to the

Oliver Vukovics

Hi Amit,

in Outlook 2007, Microsoft developed the support of additional Exchange
Servers in one Outlook profil.

You could registrate yourself for the new Outlook 2007 beta version and
then you could test this with Outlook 2007.

Oliver Vukovics
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