Is there a trick to saving a worksheet keeping all values but erasing the
formulas behind the cells? I have been copying a excel workbook that others
in my company edit and displaying our content on SharePoint. My company owns
a version of SPoint that doesn't support many of Excel's features used in
creations of workbooks, thus leaving me with editing out lots of things (Even
IMAGES!). haha.
But my question is, can i easily take out formulas, vlookups, macros, or
other things and still preserve the cell contents as they are even when the
values rely on other sheets or looking up something in other cells with
formulas behind the cells? I have been copying a excel workbook that others
in my company edit and displaying our content on SharePoint. My company owns
a version of SPoint that doesn't support many of Excel's features used in
creations of workbooks, thus leaving me with editing out lots of things (Even
IMAGES!). haha.
But my question is, can i easily take out formulas, vlookups, macros, or
other things and still preserve the cell contents as they are even when the
values rely on other sheets or looking up something in other cells with