I WANT to see Recent Documents



Running Word 2007 on XP Pro.

When I try to open a document, Recent Documents is empty. Many should show.

In Word Options/Advanced, it says 17. If I change that number, it reverts to
17 no matter what. But zero recent documents show up on the Recent Documents

I want to see my recent documents, but they are not there.

I have run Diagnostics, but it did not find anything.

Graham Mayor

If you have the setting at 17 and none show and you cannopt change that
number, the indications are that the word data key in the registry is
corrupt. Rename (Old Data) or delete the key and Word will create a new one.


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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thanks for this help, but it did not work for me.

I went to the Registry location and did not see anything that was obvious
about recent documents (only Default, Settings, Toolbars and

When I tried to rename or delete, it wouldn't allow it, even though I was
not in Word. Message: "Unable to delete all specificed values"

Any other help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Tony Jollans

In Word 2007, the recent files are held in the
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\File MRU.

If you can't change the number fo files from (the default of) 17 and no
recent files get saved, it suggests that you are failing to save to the
registry. Are you in a corporate environment? And, if so, might there be
some restrictions on saving - or a logon script that clears things out? Do
your co-workers suffer the same problem?


Thank you for your help.

I am not in a corporate enviornment and have no scripts or anything like that.

The problem frist presented itself when I when from 9 to 17 in Word
Options/Advanced. I lost all recent documents and it froze at 17. I have no
recent documents at all now, even though it it set at 17.

Sure would like a fix for this problem. Other suggestions???

Much Thanks.

Tony Jollans

I have not heard of any problems with the MRU mechanism in 2007 and don't
know what may cause them. I am interested that you had it set to 9 (and
intrigued as to why you chose 17) because, as far as I know, it is set to 17
when installed. You should not lose the history unless you set it to zero -
however many you choose to display, I believe Word keeps track of the last
50; is the registry key empty, or just the display?

Sorry I can't offer any more help at the moment, but will watch to see if
anyone else has any ideas (I will actually be away till the 22nd but will
check back on my return).

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