I want to write a formula with IF & AND & OR, (I think)


Dr. Darrell

In english:

Cells in Column K contains one of the following values; .25, .50, .75, 1.00,
1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 8.00 & 12.00.

Cells in Column I contains one of the following values; Valve, H&B, Valve,
Ball & Swing Check and Valve, Ball, 3-Way.

Cells in Column B contains one of the following values; N/A, CFM, Make

Cell AB10 = 8
Cell AB11 = 4

The task I want to do is:

Write a formular which:

Inputs the Value of 0 into a cell if the Value of Cell B40 is equal to N/A.


Inputs the Value of Cell AB11 into a cell if the Value of Cell B40 is not
equal to N/A AND the Value of Cell K40 is less than 4 and the Value of Cell
I40 is not equal to Valve, H&B.


Inputs the Value of Cell AB10 into a cell if the Value of Cell B40 is not
equal to N/A AND the Value of Cell K40 is greater than or equal to 4 OR the
Value of Cell I40 is equal to Valve, H&B.

I have started the formula and it works good so far, but I don't know how to
incorporate the multiple scenarios.

My formular so far is: =IF(B40="N/A",0,$AB$10))

Can you give me a clue on how to write a formula like I the one I have


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