Thomas Marko
Dear Newsgroupers
I posed a question yesterday in this newsgroup and gave my
normal e-mail-address.
Just a few minutes later it started: abut every five
minutes I get an e-mail that seems to come from microsoft
(tech support,security or other departments; the subject
sounds like a tech news advice; sender and subject always
change a bit) and contains next to some microsoft tech-
oriented text an exe-file containing a virus called SVEN_A.
It's a pity some sick people make fun out of this.
Hope you don't encounter the same problem!
I posed a question yesterday in this newsgroup and gave my
normal e-mail-address.
Just a few minutes later it started: abut every five
minutes I get an e-mail that seems to come from microsoft
(tech support,security or other departments; the subject
sounds like a tech news advice; sender and subject always
change a bit) and contains next to some microsoft tech-
oriented text an exe-file containing a virus called SVEN_A.
It's a pity some sick people make fun out of this.
Hope you don't encounter the same problem!