Are you selling used textbooks? I know an actor who did that as a "bread and
butter" job during lean times.
I'd suggest using a table in Word. This will give you the easiest control
over the published appearance, and can be shared in native format if you
wish. (Your readers are more likely to be comfortable using Word than Excel.)
You could also consider embedding an Excel spreadsheet or section thereof in
Word for publication, if you'd find maintaining your stuff in Excel easier.
I don't know of any template. Come up with a nice title page layout, with a
short, simple, coherent title.
Please include your revision date on the cover so you and the readers can
easily distinguish different versions of the list. You should also think of
printing the title and revision date in the footer of each page, along with
the page number.
Catalogs I've seen sometimes feature quick contact information in the header
or footer of each page, to make it easy to contact you for a purchase while
looking at the item desired.
For more ideas, you could search the web for price list templates or catalog