that returns the NAME of the current user, not his logon-id in my Database
I will try to explain:
I have a table including all of the user's details.
Amongst them are Name and login code
In different query's I can sort the user relevant data using the
currentuser() but in some places I need to to that by Engineer.Name.
I want to declare a public variable (f.e. CurrentName) that I can use to
select data from a query that only returns data in which the current users
NAME is mentioned.
Any idea's how to do that?
TIA Henro
I will try to explain:
I have a table including all of the user's details.
Amongst them are Name and login code
In different query's I can sort the user relevant data using the
currentuser() but in some places I need to to that by Engineer.Name.
I want to declare a public variable (f.e. CurrentName) that I can use to
select data from a query that only returns data in which the current users
NAME is mentioned.
Any idea's how to do that?
TIA Henro