I would like to merge graphics from access to word



I'm trying to merge graphics from an access database to a word formletter and
I'm not getting any where. I currently have office 2000 and I've been trying
to find out if you can do it in word 2003 or if you have to do the
work-around in that version also. I haven't been able to get the work-around
of nesting the merge feild into the Includepicture field to work either. any
and all help would be great!

Doug Robbins

Nesting the mergefield that contains the fullname of the graphics file with
double path separators is what you need to do. Plus, after executing the
merge, select everything in the document and press F9 to update the fields.

For more information, See the "Graphics from database" item under the
"Special merges" section of fellow MVP CIndy Meister's website at:


Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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